Presented annually by the Campus Honors Program, the King Broadrick-Allen Award is given to honor one faculty member that embodies outstanding teaching. In acknowledgment of his distinguished service to the educational mission of the Campus Honors Program, Professor Michael LeRoy has been named the 2022 recipient of the King Broadrick-Allen Award.
The nomination for the award comes from students, whose carefully and thoughtfully written arguments on behalf of Professor LeRoy reflect the care and thought he puts into his teaching. The Campus Honors Program recognized LeRoy's "exceptional commitment to the students during an extremely challenging time; your course helped demonstrate that a global pandemic cannot stop intellectual opportunity and growth."
The award, which is endowed by the late Sandra Broadrick-Allen to honor her late husband, who promoted and oversaw honors efforts on this campus for many years before the Campus Honors Program was founded, will be awarded at the Graduation Recognition Ceremony and Reception on Friday, May 13, 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. in Illini Union Rooms B and C (first floor). Professor LeRoy's name will be added to the plaque in the Campus Honors classroom alongside the names of the dedicated faculty that were previously honored, all of whom have played a central role in the success of Illinois.