Arden Rowell and Kenworthey Bilz were awarded the 2021 Wayne R. LaFave Award for Scholarly Excellence for their book "The Psychology of Environmental Law" (NYU Press). This award was established in 2002 by Michael Moore, the Charles R. Walgreen, Jr. Chair, and Heidi Hurd, the Ross and Helen Workman Chair in Law. The award was established in honor of Professor Wayne LaFave, whose remarkable scholarly legacy in criminal law and procedure is best honored through the recognition of work that is of matching ambition and importance.
Suja Thomas was awarded the 2021 Carroll P. Hurd Award for Scholarly Excellence for her article "The Customer Caste: Lawful Discrimination by Public Businesses," (California Law Review). The Carroll P. Hurd Award for Scholarly Excellence was established in 2002, also by Michael Moore and Heidi Hurd, in honor of Carroll Parsons Hurd, whose work as a political theorist and lawyer elevated theoretical curiosity and intellectual rigor above all other virtues.