With some high-profile law schools announcing their decision to withdraw from annual U.S. News & World Report law school rankings, Dean Vikram Amar shares his thoughts on the topic of law schools and other groups pushing back on public rankings. In his editorial, the first in a series for Justia Verdict, he comments on both the pros and cons to rankings like U.S. News, and provides the unique perspective of a law school dean. "Even if the list of relevant criteria for a rankings system weren’t contentious enough, there will never be full agreement among the ranked entities about the relative weight each factor should bear," Amar writes. "Even if well more than half of the 200 law deans in the country think the U.S. News methodology is meaningfully flawed (and I would count myself in that group), there is hardly consensus on what the methodology should be."
Read the full editorial on Justia Verdict.