Professor Robin Wilson weighed in on a supposed draft executive order by the Trump administration intended to expand religious freedom protections for individuals, organizations, and corporations. She told Christianity Today:
"While a presidential order could regulate areas including employment, education, and federal contracts, the suggestion that religious groups could also be guaranteed protections in the marketplace 'may just be feel-good' wording."
"If this is about bakers and bathrooms in the public accommodations sphere that we’ve seen rattling around in the states, it just doesn’t do anything," she said. "And it can’t do anything."
Wilson referenced the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), which was determined by a Supreme Court decision to apply only to the federal government, and not to state or local municipalities (which must pass their own). "It doesn’t supersede RFRA. These federal statutes cannot be made to apply to groups in those states."
In a recent Wall Street Journal article on the same topic, Wilson said, "It's an attempt to say to religious-minded persons that Trump has their back."
Full article at Christianity Today.