Professor Robin Wilson authored an op-ed that first appeared on March 23, 2017 on GeorgiaPol.
After Obergefell, a couple’s marital status still matters in many states, but gay couples can marry—and therefore adopt. The last ban on gay adoption in America was struck last year. Many adoption agencies are gay friendly. Many place with single persons.
So, today, every couple who wants to make the commitment of a "real family" to children can do so.
As an adopted child, I cannot imagine a better outcome. My parents changed the entire arc of my life. Without them, I shudder to think what life would have brought. Would I have "aged out" of foster care like so many kids do today?
HB 159 does not exclude anyone from adopting. It merely allows placements consistent with their agencies’ "missions."
We know that religious adoption agencies have closed—or divested whole services—when they have not received an exemption.
Read the full op-ed at GeorgiaPol.
Note: The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Illinois College of Law.