Professor Robin Wilson was recently quoted in a Weekly Standard article about gay adoption. Wilson has been advising states on how to handle the issue of allowing religious adoption agencies to continue to operate, even if their beliefs differ from proponents of gay adoption.
"Wilson warns that legislators shouldn't go out of their way to pick fights with adoption agencies over their religious convictions. Not every state is threatening these agencies, but when municipalities or state bureauc-racies put rules into effect that restrict the agencies' ability to function, they may not really have the interests of the foster population in mind.
"There are certainly possible compromises: Religious adoption agencies could be required to refer people to other organizations if they won't serve them. Wilson suggests that states could try to ensure that there is an agency that will serve gay couples within a reasonable driving distance.
"But ultimately there is something more important at stake. Says Wilson, 'The only relevant question is how do you get every kid into a family.' "
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