Q: What led you to pursue a law degree, and how did you end up deciding to go to Illinois?
A: I always knew that I wanted to be an attorney, and in undergrad I was a psychology and political science double major to further that goal. I chose Illinois for law school because I wanted to be far enough away from home (the St. Louis area) but not too far. I also wanted to position myself to get a job in either Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, or Indianapolis, and I knew that Illinois would be able to provide those opportunities.
Q: What are some of your favorite law school memories, or what really stands out about your experience here?
A: Law school softball gave me some of my best memories, and my 1L roommates were great. We were all from out-of-state and are still friends to this day.
Q: What types of extracurriculars were you involved in at Illinois?
A: Besides the law school softball league, I was really involved in mock trial and Phi Alpha Delta. I also held a position in the Criminal Law Society and participated in the Federal Civil Rights clinic during my 2L and 3L years.
Q: How did you decide what your career path would look like coming out of law school?
A: I always had an idea that I wanted to be in a courtroom but wasn’t exactly sure what my career path would look like besides that. I started networking with alumni, and my path has been largely influenced by the alums that I cultivated good relationships with.
Q: Any words of advice for current Illinois law students, or something you wish you’d done differently while you were a student here?
A: Get to know as many people as possible – both students and alumni. Stay in touch with those you know after you graduate and follow up with people you talk to. We have a great network at Illinois and alumni that love to help each other out.
Q: Tell us more about the upcoming Chicago Bar Association show you have a role in.
A: I am part of the Chicago Bar Association, which puts on an Annual Bar Show every year around the holidays. This will be its 94th annual production, and in auditioning for a part last year it’s where I met my fiancée, Kate Bowen (’12). We both landed roles in the show last year and this year. It’s an ensemble production that parodies and satirizes current events, with all proceeds going to the Chicago Bar Association.
Q: What else would you like our alumni to know about the show?
A: It’s a great show, entitled “Much to Sue About Nothing,” that will feature songs from hit musicals such as Fiddler on the Roof, Dear Evan Hanson, and Hamilton in addition to popular modern day songs such as Coming to America, Thriller, Roar (by Katy Perry), and many others. The show has a four-day run from November 30, 2017 through December 3, 2017. The Thursday through Saturday shows run at 7:30 p.m. and the Sunday show runs at 2:00 p.m. For people interested in buying tickets, they can do so here.