The evening before the news broke that Michael Flynn would plead guilty to lying to the FBI about Russia contacts, Professor Andrew Leipold spoke to the Associated Press (AP) about special counsel Robert Mueller's ongoing investigation.
The extreme secrecy of the investigation has made it difficult for experts to speculate about what may or may not be significant.
"You get so few scraps of information that it's awfully tempting to unpack what little information you have and see what's there," Leipold said.
When asked about a recently postponed grand jury testimony, Leipold said it was potentially a telling sign of cooperation with Mueller's team that Flynn's attorneys have broken off communication, or information-sharing, with the Trump legal team.
"It means something," he said. "If you and I are cooperating and you say all of a sudden, 'I'm not cooperating anymore,' there's probably a pretty good reason," he said.
As of this morning, December 1, 2017, the reason has become quite clear - court documents indicate Flynn is cooperating with the Mueller investigation.
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