Dean Vikram Amar was quoted in a February 2nd article by the American Bar Association Journal.
The Law School Admission Council and the Association of American Law Schools are launching a new initiative to improve public perception of the benefits of attending law school and entering the legal profession. They will employ a social media campaign that aims to provide information to those seeking careers in the legal profession during their undergraduate years, hoping to foster a passion for law early on.
Vikram Amar, dean of the University of Illinois College of Law, asserts that the news media have not focused enough on law schools that have been successful in providing their students with ample professional opportunities.
"There are problems that exist in some [law schools] that don’t exist at others," Amar said. "However, the media tends to sweep with a broad brush; if it finds problems at one law school, then it infers from that that there is a problem with all of legal education."
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