Several current and former Illinois Law faculty will be presenting papers or chairing disucssions at the annual Law and Society conference in Toronto, June 7-10. The list of presenters and their topics is as follows:
When the Levees Break - Re-Visioning Regulation of the Securities Markets
Nicola Sharpe
Juries in Juvenile Proceedings
Suja Thomas
The Role of Local Communities in Shaping Environmental Policy
Anna-Maria Marshall
U.S. and Canadian Access to Justice II: New Approaches and Research Methodologies
Rebecca Sandefur
Psychology of Civil Justice
Jennifer Robbennolt
An Empirical Study of Admissions in SEC Settlements
Jennifer Robbennolt, Verity Winship
Instant International Law Anticanon: U.N. Mass Tort Litigation Memos
Lesley Wexler
Documents as Nation-States: Nationalist Hermeneutics in a Transnational Court
Jessica Greenberg
What We Know, and Need to Know, about Access to Justice in Canada
Rebecca Sandefur
Helping Struggling Households
Bob Lawless
Knowledge Claims and Governing Climate Change
Anna-Maria Marshall
Life in the Sweatbox
Bob Lawless, Pamela Foohey (former Visiting Assistant Professor)
What Does "Local" Mean in Local Legal Culture
Bob Lawless
Feminist Theory & Civil Procedure Roundtable
Suja Thomas
Bring in the Friendly Hand: The Impact of the Plenary Power Doctrine on Immigration Reform
Alan Kluegel
Teaching the Heckler's Veto of Transgender Students
Dara Purvis (former Visiting Assistant Professor)