Professor Lesley Wexler was quoted in a June 8th NBC News article titled "#MeToo goes to church: Southern Baptists face a reckoning over treatment of women."
American evangelicals, and the Southern Baptist Convention in particular, are grappling with how to reconcile past abuses against women and move forward.
"There do seem to be some problems in that churches often feel like, when they uncover a problem that is both a sin and a crime, the church often focuses on the sin part — individual repentance, individual forgiveness," Wexler said in an interview. "But sometimes, something can be both, and just because you want to handle it within the church doesn't mean it shouldn't be addressed in the legal system."
Wexler is currently working on a paper (in collaboration with Professors Jennifer Robbennolt and Colleen Murphy) that examines how large institutions can reform to address the concerns of the #MeToo movement in ways that are fair to victims and perpetrators alike.
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