Professor Michelle Layser, an expert on the intersection of tax law and social policy, recently reviewed "Tax Talk and Reproductive Technology," 100 B.U. L. Rev. ___ (2019) for TaxProfBlog. She writes:
"As the U.S. fertility industry explodes, there is plenty of talk about surrogate miscarriages, freezer failures, unwieldy donor family trees, problems with privacy and anonymity, and the physical and emotional tolls of eggand sperm donation. What’s missing from the conversation? According to Professor Bridget Crawford, the answer is 'tax talk.' Crawford’s article, which focuses on how egg donors talk about taxes with each other and their fertility clinics, is an empirically grounded exploration into the ways that talking about tax (or failing to do so) reflects and reinforces cultural norms."
Layser recommends the article to all tax scholars interested in female autonomy, gender equality, reproductive rights, compliance, social media technology, or the language and culture of law.
Read the full review.