Professors Lesley Wexler and Jennifer Robbennolt co-authored an article titled #MeToo and Restorative Justice, which was just published in the winter edition of the ABA Dispute Resolution Magazine. An excerpt from the piece follows:
"Restorative justice processes share a number of core commitments, including participation of offenders and victims in the process; narration of the wrongful behavior and its effects; acknowledgement of the offense and acceptance of responsibility for it by the offender; joint efforts to find appropriate ways to repair the harm done; and reintegration of the offender into the broader community. How might these key components of restorative justice – including acknowledgement, responsibility-taking, harm repair, non-repetition, and reintegration – play out in the context of #MeToo? In this article, we begin to explore some of the insights of restorative justice in this context."
Read the full article.