To recognize the outstanding writing of Professor Jason Mazzone in "Interconstitutionalism," published last November in the Yale Law Journal with co-author Cem Tecimer, the International Association of Constitutional Law hosted a virtual symposium on the topic. The symposium is organized around the theme, Interconstitutionalism: A Global Practice, and featured a series of essays by scholars from around the world.
In the introduction to the symposium, written by Mazzone and Tecimer, the authors expressed their gratitude to be part of such a distinguished discussion: "We are excited to have the opportunity to learn from and engage with this exceptional group of contributors." The virtual symposium featured articles from six authors from Asia, Europe, and South America, each offering a differing view of interconstitutionalism and how constitutions from many nations examine and invoke their predecessors.
Read all the contributions to the Interconstitutionalism Symposium online.