The Office of the Provost ensures the excellence of Illinois’ academic programs. The office advances the university’s academic mission by providing guidance, support and oversight to the colleges and University Library; supporting the recruitment and career advancement of faculty and staff; recognizing and celebrating faculty accomplishments; overseeing undergraduate admissions; supporting the development of innovative academic programs and initiatives to efforts to ensure student success; and managing the university’s budget and human resources.
In this series, we invite you to meet the teams that comprise the Office of the Provost.
William Bernhard was named the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs in May 2017. He provides leadership in the areas of academic affairs and faculty affairs. Bill’s portfolio includes faculty development, the Provost Fellows program, academic awards, and assessment. Bill is a political scientist with interests in international political economy and legislative studies. On the weekends, he can be found at soccer games, tennis matches, and swim meets across central Illinois.
Rosa Milagros Santos joined the Provost’s Office in September 2017 as the Associate Provost for Faculty Development. “Amy” provides leadership in the areas of faculty mentoring, support for pre-tenure, mid-career and specialized faculty, career paths for specialized faculty, and leadership development. Amy enjoys watching college basketball, walking as an exercise, and spending time with her family. Someday she’d like to visit all 50 states and as many cities and countries around the world!
Staci Provezis was named the Associate Provost for Academic Effectiveness in June 2017. Ensuring that academic programs meet and exceed all regulatory requirements, she oversees the campus-wide academic program review processes, program and institutional learning outcomes assessment coordination, and the strategic planning administration. In addition, she provides leadership for the campus accreditation process. Staci loves reading historical fiction and travel literature and doing arts and crafts projects.
Kim Green joined the Provost’s Office in February 2014 as the Major Awards Coordinator. She serves as the campus-level resource for units in their efforts to nominate their faculty for awards; coordinates major national and international faculty award nominations on behalf of campus; and is involved in various activities that help to recognize the achievements of Illinois faculty. Kim enjoys reading, road trips, and DIY projects.
Read more about the Provost’s Office staff and their areas of expertise.