As an educator at the College of Education since 1974, I can’t help but reflect on the number of students I’ve had the privilege of mentoring over the years. As the recently appointed interim dean of the College, it’s wonderful to have this opportunity to connect with you all again.
It’s a time of great opportunities at the College.
First off, I want to share that our faculty have received a record number of National Science Foundation and Institute of Education Sciences grants for 2016-17. This funding will ensure that our educators can continue to invent new tools and methods for improving learning and teaching, as well as impact policy through sound research.
A committee will be assembled to lead the search for the College’s next dean. This group will collaborate to find a leader with the experience, integrity, and passion to continue the College’s mission of making education accessible to all learners from all backgrounds.
We are also in recruiting mode for talented, productive scholars and are beginning the search for eight new faculty members who will teach and lead in the areas of science education, economics of education, quantitative methods, education administration, applied behavior analysis, early childhood special education, and socio-emotional development. Please spread the word to your colleagues about these open positions.
It’s also the time of year when we celebrate Education at Illinois students and the donors who provide them with valuable scholarships at the Student Recognition Brunch. Outside of campus, Chicago and Bay Area alumni can join us at Illini Days this month and next, and we’re excited to welcome alumna Betty Trummel ’78 C&I back to campus Oct. 28 as our second speaker of the College’s Alumni Speaker Series.
Finally, we hope you’ll make it back to campus for Homecoming 2016 to join us in celebrating one of the best college traditions around.
Yours in Orange and Blue,
James D. Anderson
Interim Dean and Edward William and Jane Marr Gutgsell Professor of Education