A Message from Interim Dean James D. Anderson
As a 47-year veteran of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign—many of those years spent as a professor and leader in the College of Education—I believe I have a unique and historical perspective on where our College has been and where it is headed.
And from where I stand, Education at Illinois is flourishing.
Our faculty are leading important research projects, and granting agencies have taken notice. Eight National Science Foundation and two Institute of Education Sciences grants have been awarded, with more pending.
We recently added a new Ed.D. option to our online programs. There are now 13 different program concentrations in which learners worldwide can advance their education online and off-campus through the Department of Education Policy, Organization & Leadership.The Department of Curriculum & Instruction welcomed a new faculty member—Luc Paquette—who specializes in data mining, just one area of exploration within the department that will provide improved learning outcomes.
And we’re pleased to note that our Counseling Psychology Program is ranked No. 1 on the College Choice list for “Best Master’s in Counseling Psychology, 2016.”
Special Education scholars are bridging the STEM gap for students with disabilities—most recently through an NSF grant that helps make computer science education academically accessible for students with disabilities. Our biennial Youth Literature Festival takes place this year, and we look forward to expanding our reach to local schools as we celebrate and share the importance of literature in young people’s lives.
And finally, the University is coming up on its 150-year anniversary. Over the past 150 years, our faculty, staff, and students have transformed the social and economic landscape of our world. As a leading institution of higher learning, we
will continue to expand our global presence by supporting public policies that address the grand challenges of a global society, leading advancements in information and technology, and spurring economic development.
Please join us in celebrating and embracing the mission of the University of Illinois as we continue to shape the future through teaching, research, and service.