Dear Alumni and Friends,
Thank you for your continued support of the College of Education at Illinois. Your commitment to our mission makes it possible for our faculty to produce the transformational research our state, nation, and world count on from Illinois. Critical student support allows us to attract and retain a diverse population of the best and brightest students who will go on to make a difference in classrooms and educational settings—creating stronger, more just communities and revitalizing their local economies. We couldn’t do these things or advance important causes of the College without your gifts, guidance, volunteerism, and mentorship.
Here’s a look at our 2016 IMPACT report, where you can see how your support helps our College fulfill our promise. With 47 years of service at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign—many of those years spent as a professor and leader in the College of Education—I have a unique and historical perspective on where our College has been and where it is headed.
And from where I stand, Education at Illinois is flourishing.
Our faculty are leading important research projects, we recently added a new Ed.D. option to our online programs, and we are pleased to note that our Counseling Psychology Program is ranked No. 1 on the College Choice list for “Best Master’s in Counseling Psychology, 2016.” Beyond those accomplishments there is so much more to read about in this year’s annual report. Discover our recent work and join us in celebrating and embracing the mission of the University of Illinois as we continue to shape the future through teaching, research, and service.
I am pleased to report that the search for the next dean of the College of Education is underway, and we hope to welcome finalists to campus by March. We are seeking a visionary leader dedicated to enhancing and strengthening the College, someone who is committed to engaging in research on critical issues in education, preparing teachers and leaders, and serving the state of Illinois and the nation.
As a leading institution of higher learning, we will continue to build a multiethnic democracy in which we can all live, work, and study together in a manner that enriches us as individuals and the larger community. On behalf of the College, I wish you a happy holiday and a prosperous New Year.
James D. Anderson, Ed.M. ’69 Ed., Ph.d. ’73 Ed.
Interim Dean and Edward William and Jane Marr Gutgsell Professor of Education