What You Will introduces auditions for its second production of the semester and final production of the season: The Comedy of Errors: an Adaptation. This show takes the classic farce and sets it in a bankrupt circus trying to save their company by putting on Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors.
There is no previous theatrical experience required, but since this production is circus themed, auditions WILL require preparation for any random skills or talents you can think of such as singing, dancing, juggling, sleight of hand - the list goes on. But don't let this intimidate you, there will be plenty of simple tricks our directing team can teach you if cast. Auditions are this Thursday, March 2 from 6pm - 10pm in room 150 of the English Building. We'd love to see you there! Any questions? Contact us at: whatyouwillshakes@gmail.com. Directed by Delilah Hansen. Assistant Directed by Logan Weeter and Kristopher Kwak.