Counseling Center Paraprofessionals (CCPs) are students from ALL departments on campus and with many different majors. These students all have a the common goal which is providing developmental and preventative services to the students on the UIUC Campus. CCPs work closely with the counseling center and through the program are taught various social skills from effective communication, to cultural competency, to how to facilitate workshops and so much more.
In order to become a CCP students must apply in the Fall semesters and complete an application when the link is provided on the cousueling center page (around September). Afterwards they will be interviewed by the CCP coordinators before being chosen to be a Paraprofessional. Students have to be at a sophmore or junior standing in order to apply as the program requires you to take one CCP class for three semesters (Spring, Fall, Spring) and Freshman are still getting accustomed to campus life their first year. Below is the link to the cousueling center website as well as the dates for the upcoming Tuesday @7 workshops presented by current CCPs in the second semester of the program.
Tuesday @7 Workshops
4/11/17: Chosing the Right Filter: Social Media in a Positive Light
4/18/17: Navigating Skills for Supporting Survivors: Life After Trauma
4/25/17: Redefining Selfish: Prioritizing Self Care