DSC’s awesome fundraiser, C-U Oktoberfest is fast approaching…Saturday October 7th!
Here’s the scoop…
*You can sign up at http://signup.com/go/HQQnpzt
*Please only sign up if you’re committed to the event. And we would LOVE if you could help with more than one shift!
*Per the City of Champaign, NO drinking alcohol is allowed on shift. There is no rule about drinking before-hand, so we just ask that you keep it to a minimum so you’re still able to cover your shift! Don’t forget, those German beers are strong!
*If you’d like to sign up a friend/significant other, please just fill out there info. Whether it is you signing up, or signing up someone else connected to you, PLEASE ADD “UISW” to your name somewhere when you sign up. Ex. “John Smith UISW”.
Thank you so much for your support of this event and our agency! On behalf of DSC and all the people with disabilities that choose our services…thank you!