Spring Registration. We encourage pre-law students to meet with their major/departmental advisor to discuss course selection. Due to our volume of appointments in October and November related to the law school application process, we are not able to individually meet with every pre-law student to discuss course selection. We encourage pre-law students to check our blog here, where we will post suggested (optional) course options next week. We have also posted general information on course selection both in the Pre-Law Handbook and over on our Compass page—which can each be accessed on our Pre-Law website. Thank you for helping us direct students to these resources.
Grade Replacement. A new registration cycle means that students will be considering their grade replacement options. We’ve once again posted a guide to Grade Replacement and Law School on our blog here. Please feel free to refer to this or to share it with interested students.
Upcoming October pre-law programming: All fall events are listed on our calendar here
Applying to Law School Workshop—Monday, Oct. 16 at 4:00 pm in 514 Illini Union Bookstore Building. Designed for students who are currently in the application process, this workshop will provide an in-depth overview, including: Using the Credential Assembly Service, understanding each element of the application, making a timeline for perfecting the application, researching law schools, and creating a strategy for maximizing admissions and aid. Participants will leave with a detailed application plan, along with tips and suggestions on best application practices. The last 15 minutes will be set aside for Q&A so that individual questions can be addressed.
Perfecting Your Personal Statement & Resume for Law School—Monday, Oct. 23 at 4:00 pm in 514 Illini Union Bookstore Building. The personal statement is one of the most difficult yet powerful elements of the law school application. Join us for this workshop, which will cover what the personal statement is, how to prepare for writing it, and some tips and suggestions for making it reflect an applicant's strengths. We will also discuss how the personal statement and resume can complement each other to create a stronger law school application. Each session is the same, so select the one that best suits your schedule. Please register here so that we can ensure enough seating and materials for everyone.
Pre-Law 101—Monday, Oct. 30 at 4:00 pm in 514 Illini Union Bookstore Building. This workshop is designed for incoming students who are new to pre-law or are interested in learning more about it. We will cover: What it means to be pre-law at Illinois, course selection, majors, and extracurriculars, building a pre-law resume, and what law schools are really looking for. We will outline a four year plan to maximize undergraduate experiences in order to make a great law school candidate. We'll also take any questions about law school and legal careers. Please register here so that we can ensure enough seating and materials for everyone. Each Pre-Law 101 session is the same. Incoming students should attend a Pre-Law 101 prior to setting up an individual pre-law advising appointment.