The Value of Undergraduate Research Workshop (VURW) - January 19, 2018
During this workshop, we will discuss the importance of conducting research as an undergraduate student at the University of Illinois. This will include a discussion of how engaging in research can impact your career development, and how to communicate this value effectively. Students will leave the workshop with (1) a better understanding of how undergraduate research can benefit you both now and following graduation, and (2) an idea of how to effectively communicate the value of research experiences to future employers. This workshop is a collaboration between the Office of Undergraduate Research and The Career Center.
Participation is by advanced registration only; there are limited spots available. Details and registration link can be found at:
Getting Started in Undergraduate Research Workshop (GSIRW) - Multiple Dates Available
During this workshop, we will discuss the various forms of undergraduate research that take place on campus, guide students to develop a plan of action to locate research opportunities on campus, and discuss ways to contact faculty research mentors. Students will leave the workshop with (1) a better understanding of undergraduate research and how it takes place on our campus, (2) increased confidence to contact faculty research mentors, and (3) a list of faculty mentors to contact.
Participation is by advanced registration only; there are limited spots available. Details and registration link can be found at: