How would you like to . . .
Hike on a volcano? See wild animals including Howler Monkeys and Resplendent Quetzals? Eat fresh tropical fruit to your heart’s content? Learn about how people in “the greenest country in the world” are working on sustainability in agriculture, water resources, energy systems and more?
Enroll today for ESE 389: Environmental & sustainable Field Expedition - Costa Rica. Class meets once weekly throughout the semester (Tuesdays, 4:30 – 5:50 p.m..) and travels over Spring Break.
For more information contact the leaders:
Rob Kanter (School of Earth, Society, and Environment): / 217.244.2761
Laura Haber (Allen Hall/Unit 1): / 217.244.2317
Anyone can now register (despite indications otherwise in Course Explorer):
See field itinerary at: