The Student Employment Symposium will be held on Thursday, March 8, 2018 from 1:00-4:30pm in the SDRP Multipurpose Rooms. Join us for an afternoon of presentations, collaborations, and conversations to support student employee learning. Keynote Speaker, Teri Schnelle, Associate Director of Assessment and Strategic Initiatives at the University of Iowa, will be discussing IOWA Grow (Guided Reflection on Work) and student employment good practices. There will also be a lightening round of presentations of colleagues' innovative student employment initiatives. The symposium is free and open to all professionals who supervise or who have an interest in student employee supervision. The Student Employment Symposium is sponsored by the Dick Justice Educational Leadership Fund. For more information on IOWA Grow visit:
To register for the symposium, please submit by Friday, March 2nd: If you have any questions, please contact Lauren Winterbotham, Assistant Director of the Illinois Leadership Center, at We hope to see you there.