Call for Papers
Journal of Undergraduate Social Work Research
The Journal of Undergraduate Social Work Research (JUSWR) is the University of Illinois School of Social Work journal that showcases peer-reviewed undergraduate research from social work and related disciplines. JUSWR is an annual publication that provides a comprehensive forum for discourse on research and other forms of original work relevant to social work and current social issues. JUSWR welcomes submissions throughout the year. Send submissions to
Submission deadline for the May 2018, 2nd issue is March 30, 2018.
Submissions considered for publication include the following:
- Original research articles
- Policy Analysis
- Literature reviews
- Poster presentations
- Creative pieces (artistic expression or multimedia presentations)
- Materials developed for Social Work classes this academic year or in the previous academic year will also be considered.
Submission Procedure:
- Prepare manuscript files according to the submission guidelines below.
- Email all submission files (including any supplementary materials to JUSWR)
- The email subject header should be in the following format:
JUSWR Submission Spring 2018 for (Insert your last name here).
- Primary author must be a University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign undergraduate at the time of authorship.
- Submitted manuscript concerns original research.
- Submitted manuscript cannot be published or undergoing review in another undergraduate research journal.
- Primary author must be willing to work with JUSWR editors in revising the selected or seriously considered for publication submission.
- Upon selection of a manuscript, author(s) must consent to journal publication.
Manuscript Preparation Formatting:
- Submission must not exceed 15 pages, including all figures/tables and references. Please prepare a Supplementary Materials document containing additional accompanying text, figures and tables if additional space is needed.
- Manuscript should be double-spaced with 12-point font and standard margins.
- Manuscript should be submitted in WORD
- Writing should be clear, logical and free from typographical or grammatical errors.
- Include a 150-200 word, non-technical summary of the paper for the summary page, as well as a 40-60 word summary for the website.
Structure and Style:
- The manuscript should use APA style.
- Depending on the nature of the submission, articles should use the following headings: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, References, and Figures/Tables.
- Supplementary Materials may be submitted along with manuscript.
Figures and Tables:
- Figures should be included at the end of the main text or in the Supplementary Information document as needed.
- All figures must be appropriately referenced and include legends in text format.
- Tables should be submitted in text format.
- For plots and graphs, axes should be clearly marked and legible. Figures should be clearly labeled if applicable.
- If a manuscript is selected or seriously considered for publication, the editorial staff will request for high-resolution figures.
- Citations should be parenthetical (Author, Year) and embedded within the main text.
- References should be formatted as follows: Authors (Year). Title. Journal/Book. Volume, Page Numbers.
- Example:
- Noctor, SC., Martinez-Cerdeno, V., Ivic, L., and Kreigstein, A.R. (2004). Cortical neurons arise in symmetric and asymmetric division zones and migrate through specific phases. Nature Neuroscience. 7, 136-144.
Rights for authors including copyright statement. Submitted manuscripts must have not been submitted elsewhere, are not currently under review elsewhere, and have been submitted with full knowledge of faculty and research team collaborators. Any manuscripts that do not meet originality requirements will be rejected without peer-review. All manuscripts will be reviewed based on intellectual content without regard for age, gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, country of origin, or political philosophy of the authors. All manuscripts submitted for peer-review are kept strictly confidential by editors and reviewers. At no time will editors or reviewers utilize submitted materials without the consent of the authors. The purpose of the JUSWR is to encourage undergraduate research pursuits and not to hinder the authors’ ability to publish their work in other relevant journals. After publication in JUSWR, the author reserves the right to present any part of their research in any form in other publications or proceedings. JUSWR reserves the right to reproduce and reprint any materials published for instructional and promotional purposes.
By submitting any material to JUSWR, you agree that your work is original, unless otherwise specifically acknowledged.