The National Eating Disorders Association, Champaign-Urbana, IL Walk is on Saturday, April 21st from 9:00am-11:30am at University of Illinois Arboretum - 2001 S Lincoln Ave. In 2017, over 20,000 walkers participated nationwide at 85+ locations!
The Champaign-Urbana Walk will be an incredible morning of raising awareness and funds for eating disorder awareness programs, education outreach, and the support of individuals and families. We want to build community, inspire activism, and work with a diverse group of individuals that support NEDA’s goals and interests. We have a phenomenal line-up of speakers and presenters.
The audience mainly consists of young adults, so we would greatly appreciate help recruiting participants, teams, and volunteers to promote this Walk on campus. It is critical to connect with as many students, faculty, and staff as possible because 30 million people suffer from a clinically significant eating disorder at some time in their life and eating disorders are widespread across college campuses. This would be a fantastic opportunity to stand with students affected by eating disorders and foster necessary dialogue about eating disorders on campus.
Our goal is to garner support in many capacities and raise over $25,000 at the Champaign-Urbana Walk. NEDA is a 501(c)3 non-profit and the proceeds aid our programs and services like our toll free, confidential Helpline. We welcome any assistance recruiting participants/teams for the Walk and connecting with volunteers and organizations to help promote the event on campus (through announcements to classes, tabling, mass emails, online/print publications, chalking, etc.).
The link to register is:
Please contact or 312-351-5602 about the steps you want to take to support the Walk or with any questions you might have.