The UIUC National and International Scholarships Program office is holding scholarship meetings for freshmen and sophomore students this week on campus. Our Facebook events page is here.
These short meetings are introductory sessions focused on how to apply for the nationally competitive scholarships listed below and briefly described on the attached handout. The application process for these awards begins next fall, but now is the time to begin thinking about preparing for these scholarships. We are offering this session eleven times to accommodate your schedule. Come learn what you need to know about how to apply. Truman Scholars (careers in public service), Goldwater Scholars (STEM students interested in Ph.D./careers in research), Beinecke Bros (funds for grad school in the humanities, arts, social sci), Boren Scholarship (funds extended study abroad for those interested in a career in the Fed. Gov't.), Udall Scholarship (careers in environmental work or Native American tribal affairs), plus info. about the Gilman Scholarship (for study abroad) and the Critical Language Scholarship (8-week summer language study program).
More info at:
Monday, April 2: 3:30-4:00pm and 4:00-4:30pm. 514 IUB*
Tuesday, April 3: 4:00-4:30pm and 4:30-5:00pm. 514 IUB*
Thursday, April 5: 12:00-12:30pm, 1:30-2:00pm, and 3:00-3:30pm. 514 IUB*
Friday, April 6: 1:30-2:00pm, 2:00-2:30pm, 3:00-3:30pm, and 4:00-4:30pm. 514 IUB*