Youth Villages, a national non-profit providing behavioral & mental health treatment for youth and families through a variety of residential and community-based programs will be attending the career fair this year and interviewing candidates this week.
They have many opportunities for growth and development as they promote from within, have relocation incentives/assistance, pay for licensure supervision & tuition reimbursement, and offer paid summer internships (full for this summer but open for next year).
4/10 – Just In Time Career Fair at the Illini Union from 1pm – 6pm
Learn more about BSW & MSW opportunities and talk through interests to see what may be a good fit Qualified students can sign-up for on campus person interviews or phone interview
4/11 – On-Campus Interviews for our Career Development Program for Spring 2018 BSW Grads and MSW Opportunities
Learn more about the BSW program here! Graduating MSW students can interview for a Family Intervention Specialist position or Residential Master’s Level Counselor (multiple locations) Students can email resume to schedule interview (vanderlaan@youthvillages) or apply online on Handshake