Take advantage of the extended deadline (April 30th) for the Sustainable Italian Food Systems study abroad program in Rome, Italy. Illinois Abroad & Global Exchange (IAGE) has also added additional internship options for students who enroll for the Fall 2018 term. Students can earn 3 LAS 300-level credits for an optional, customized internship in conjunction with earning Illinois credit for classes taken abroad for 13 or 16 total credits for the Fall semester. Included in the program is a three-week field trip to northern and southern Italy where students will have the opportunity to participate in class-led excursions to regional farms and wineries. They will also learn about Italy’s sustainable food culture by doing research projects and participating in international conferences and events. This program is a great opportunity for students to earn credit toward their degree, while also gaining practical experience for their future career!
Read more about studying abroad in Fall 2018 in Rome, Italy.