Are you looking for an exciting way to spend a year abroad starting in the Fall of 2019? If so, it’s time to think seriously about submitting an application for a Fulbright Scholarship! Even if you are just considering it, join us for a workshop on Friday, April 27th to learn more.
On-Campus Workshops:
English Teaching Assistant Application Workshop
Friday, April 27th, 2:00-3:00 pm
514 Illini Union Bookstore
Hosted by the National and International Scholarships Program
Designing a Fulbright Research Proposal Workshop
Friday, April 27th, 3:30-5:00 pm
514 Illini Union Bookstore
Hosted by the National and International Scholarships Program
More information about these events:
The Fulbright U.S. Student Program awards approximately 2,000 full scholarships annually to students for a year of study, research or English teaching in any of 140 countries worldwide. The National and International Scholarships Program provides in-depth workshops on each application component to answer questions you have, show you samples of successful applications, and provide helpful suggestions to improve the effectiveness of your writing. Sessions are targeted to juniors, seniors, and recent alumni who wish to apply for the Fulbright Priority Deadline of June 25, 2018.