The Mary Ramier Grant is set up to inspire undergraduate women to develop as successful leaders, activists, and professionals. Mary Ramier, a 1923 graduate of the University of Illinois, was an attorney and activist from Indianapolis, IN. She was remembered for tackling problems in her Irvington neighborhood, including a petition drive that led to much-needed urban renovation. She also worked at the national level as an attorney and officer for the Mortar Board National Senior Women’s Honorary.
The grant will be awarded competitively and can be used to:
Support research - research travel, research materials such as books, recording equipment, etc., conference travel
Creative projects such as, but not limited to zines films plays
Field trips that are related to gender and women’s studies
Other activities that promote the advancement of women
Awards are usually between $50 and $500. The Gender and Women’s Studies awards committee will determine the amount and number of awards per year based on the merit of individual proposals and financial need. Money will not be awarded for tuition costs or living expenses.
Requirements: All undergraduate women in good standing are eligible to apply. Applicants should fill out an application form, and include the name of a faculty member who might be called for reference.
Fall Semester Deadline: October 1
The attached application form can also be accessed at: