A suicide attempt survivor is on a mission to find fellow survivors and document their stories of unguarded courage, insight, pain, and humor. Along the way, she discovers a national community rising to transform personal struggles into action. THE S WORD chronicles her journey and these survivors in a powerful feature documentary that puts a human face to a topic that has long been stigmatized and buried with the lives it has claimed. Suicide affects people of all ages, races, faiths, ethnicities, gender presentations, sexual orientations, professions, and so much more. THE S WORD skillfully weaves stories of survivors from a cross section of America including LGBT, African American and Asian American communities, who candidly share their profoundly emotional stories of trauma, mental health challenges, survival and advocacy. The film’s narrative flows organically from one story to the next, starting with personal moments and building emotional momentum before widening out to show how their journeys are driving the national movement to take the “S” word from unthinkable to preventable.
Trailer: vimeo.com/251373186 theswordmovie.com
Saturday January 12th 9:30am-11:45pm
Champaign Library Robeson rooms A&B (200 W Green St Champaign)
Wednesday January 16th 6:30pm-8:45pm
Rantoul Township High School Cafetorium (200 S Sheldon St Rantoul)
Friday January 18th 6:30pm-8:45pm
Parkland College Room C-118 (2400 W Bradley Ave Champaign)Park in B, C, or M lots and follow signs
Saturday January 19th 10:00am-12:15pm
Mahomet Public Library Edgar Meeting Room (1702 E Oak St Mahomet)
One additional showing is being scheduled and will be added at a later date. A discussion/Q&A session will follow each showing. Resources, information, and support services will be available. This film is not rated, but is appropriate for ages 10+. Spanish subtitles are available. All showings are free and open to the public. Donations are appreciated.