Nominate a Student, Staff/Faculty, Alumnus, or Student Organization!
Diversity & Social Justice Education is currently accepting nominations for our annual Social Justice Awards, which will be held on April 16, 2019. These awards are for an unsung undergraduate student, graduate student, staff or faculty, and registered student organization that has sought to address marginalization, oppression, and/or privilege. Individuals and organizations who receive University compensation (e.g., course credit or pay) to engage in social justice work are not eligible. Nominations are due by March 15, 2019.
Click here to access to online nomination form.
Awards Include:
Undergraduate Student AwardGraduate Student AwardStudent Organization AwardStaff/Faculty AwardAlumni Award
Successful candidates will have sought to address marginalization, oppression, and/or privilege through their academic, co-curricular, and/or social engagement. Through their efforts, successful nominees will help promote critical awareness, perspective taking, understanding, critical thinking, and/or action for fairness and the common good. DiversityEd Social Justice Awards Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, April 17th at 6pm in the Murphy Lounge of the University YMCA.
Nominees may be submitted by a faculty or staff member, or another Illinois student. Self-nominations (including via current members of a student organization) are not accepted; however, we encourage students to discuss their interest in an award or scholarship with a potential nominator who they believe can speak to their strengths and qualifications. Nominators are urged to let their nominees know a nomination is being submitted for them. To nominate an individual or organization, click here to access to online nomination form.