Hi Passionate Leaders,
I would like to invite you to apply for the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC). Each spring, the Illinois Student Government appoints 12 student members to SSC. The committee reviews and selects projects that increase environmental stewardship, impact students, and inspire change. The Sustainable Campus Environment Fee and the Cleaner Energy Technologies Fee generate over $1,000,000 annually.
SSC provides ample leadership and professional development opportunities. You'll engage in grant making, project consultation, evaluation strategies, and group facilitation. SSC welcomes your individual interests, providing opportunities for you to strengthen your skills while leaving an important legacy at UIUC.
I hope you consider SSC as one of your co-curricular activities in Fall 2019. If you have any questions, please contact sustainability-committee@illinois.edu, which gets forwarded to SSC leadership.
Thank you,
Cathy LiebowitzStudent Sustainability Committee Coordinator