The Student Advocacy Coalition (SAC) is a bi-partisan student organization that promotes civic engagement and lobbies legislators for higher education and student rights on behalf of the University of Illinois. SAC is housed under the University’s Office of Government Relations and provides opportunities for students to engage with state and federal legislators online and in person. SAC members are students from all walks of campus, diverse backgrounds and majors. Members build professional development skills through one-on-one interactions with their legislators, panels with alumni who are trailblazers in their field, and discussions on critical issues impacting our country. This year, our calendar includes a Dialogue Series with the 4 major political parties on campus, Policy Panels with state legislators and community leaders on the Black Lives Matter movement, and more! SAC believes being involved is more than attending mandatory meetings, it’s about participating in activities that are actually interesting, and spending your time in a community of people who care about making a difference! Our Virtual Info Session is on September 1st at 6pm and the link is as follows Our online application will be released on our website: and Facebook page: All applications are due September 15th and will be followed by Zoom interviews. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to send us an email at