Miss an event at the School? Check out these Youtube links with recordings from previous events.
9/3, TEDx Talk: Leading with Lollipops- https://youtu.be/Iw_biu1rQOw
9/4, International Literacy Campaign- https://youtu.be/Z-LjVo2FUoI
9/5, IDOC Programs and Support Services Informational:the recording is broken into five parts due to the way it was recorded. Questions? Contact Hellen McDonald, Field Education Office. hgmcdona@illinois.edu or 217-244-5229
1/5 https://youtu.be/f_Y5vs9fhXo
2/5 https://youtu.be/KNU2roV0L8Y
3/5 https://youtu.be/_xNBs9cv_Hc
4/5 https://youtu.be/AF2L6dwa9Ns
5/5 https://youtu.be/tG-QrAZ537Y
9/11, CYFS Alumni Career Panel Discussion: https://youtu.be/Yu-_YiOrP8w