Section Information: No matter what you want to do with your life, if you want to be successful one of the most important and useful skills you can acquire is mastering the ability to learn. In Learning How to Learn Bootcamp we will teach you how to implement research-based learning strategies and ways of thinking that will transform your study practices, making them more effective, efficient, and focused. Through a variety of assignments and activities, you will have the opportunity to apply what you are learning to improve your scores in your current courses. Don’t let yourself fall behind, be proactive and set your sights on learning how to learn! Recommended for students with Freshmen and Sophomore standing.
Some Key Topics: Growth Mindset, Mindfulness, Metacognition, Taxonomies of Learning, LSU Study Cycle, Time Management, Test Taking, Stress Reduction, Emotions and Learning.
Text: Teaching Yourself How to Learn (2018) by Saundra McGuire with Stephanie McGruire