Students may now register for EPSY 203 Dialogue on Social Issues classes for Spring 2020.
These one-credit hour courses focus on different social identity issues, and help prepare students to think more critically and interact more successfully in socially diverse groups and settings. They are experiential and collaborative, and support students in understanding the complexity of power, privilege and oppression. They can be very useful for developing clearer communications, small group/team skills, and knowledge about fairness and social justice in organizations and the larger society.
The courses emphasize collaborative sense-making, where students and instructors work together to understand issues associated with intergroup relations. Instead of lectures, the dialogue approach invites learners to share their own experiences and perspectives on issues, in order to create deeper understanding among learners.
The following courses are available:
Exploring Race/Ethnicity (Mondays, 1-2:50)
Liberal/Conservative dialogue (Mondays, 3-4:50)
Exploring Disability (Mondays, 5-6:50)
Socio-economic Class dialogue (Tuesdays, 2-3:50)
Being White in a Multicultural Society (Tuesdays, 6-7:50)
Exploring Race/Ethnicity (Wednesdays, 3-4:50)
Resisting Marginalization (Wednesdays, 6-7:50)