Fall/Summer 2020 Advising Appointments will still be happening, though as you'll see below, we have a bit more time than normal after spring break for everyone to have their appointment. Please call the office at 217-244-5246 and you can schedule an advising appointment. You will have the option to have a Zoom advising appointment or a phone advising appointment. You'll all get very comfortable with Zoom over the next few weeks, but it is very easy to use, especially on your end and due to the ability of me to share my screen with you, this would be my preferred method so that you can take a screen shot of your planning sheet and have a copy of it. I would strongly encourage you to be on WIFI during a Zoom meeting as I'm pretty confident it would use a decent amount of data. You can join a Zoom meeting and not utilize your camera if you'd rather not be seen. With my new fancy headset, you'll get to see me ready to take on dozens of Middle Schoolers at Call of Duty. If you can't get to WIFI or if you have issues with Zoom we can do a phone appointment, but this would be a secondary option. When you call to schedule your appointment, you'll be asked if you prefer a Zoom or phone appointment. If at all possible I'd prefer to proceed with Zoom.