You received an e-mail from the Provost sharing some changes to the Credit/No Credit Policy this semester. Program Director, Dr. Jan Carter-Black reiterated these changes last week. I am going to post them one more time with some thoughts and commentary.
The deadline to elect a course to be graded Credit/No Credit is now April 30th. This is true for full semester and 2nd 8 week courses.
You can now utilize this option for major, minor, and general education courses and they will fulfill these requirements. The grading criteria for Credit/No Credit and process has not changed.
If you wish to elect to take a course Credit/No Credit, you will need to fill out the appropriate form (e-mail Aaron and he can get you an electronic version) by April 30th. At the end of the semester your instructor will submit whatever grade you earned. Upon their submission your letter grade will be changed to either CR for Credit or NC for no credit. If you earned a C- or higher, your grade will be CR and you will have earned credit for the course. If you earned a D+ or lower your grade will be NC and you will not earn credit. Regardless, CR and NC grades do not affect your GPA, but some graduate and professional school may recalculate your GPA with their own method if you utilize this options.
If you want to discuss this option further you can e-mail me or if you haven't had your fall advising appointment, we can have this discussion in conjunction with your fall advising.
Also, while it is good to be thinking about this option now, it is likely better to wait until the last week of April to make your final decision and evaluate where your grades are at that point. If you want to elect the Credit/No Credit option, we can fill out the form.