We are happy to announce that the 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS) is going virtual! The Office of Undergraduate Research has been working hard to make this happen, and we hope you will join us for what will still be an exciting and inspiring event, whilst in a different medium. Over 350 students will present their work in an asynchronous format, with the opportunity for viewers to engage in conversation with the presenters through a forum.
The URS will be a multi-day event, running from Monday, April 27 through Friday, May 1. We will kick things off on the 27th at noon (CDT) with our live (Zoom) featured student presentations. [Zoom link: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/96284074411?pwd=L0ZiV1BaOFZiTDFDckt2T0pKdmxzQT09; Meeting ID: 962 8407 4411; Password: URS2020.] The Zoom link is also on the URS Compass2g site (see below on how to access).
Accessing the 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium
Due to concerns surrounding an open access event, the Symposium is available only for those with a University of Illinois NetID. Campus community members wishing to view the Symposium will first need to enroll to view student presentations and interact with our presenters.
Log into Compass2g. Go to: https://go.illinois.edu/URS_enroll and click the "down arrow" next to "provost_pvcaa_open_189752" and select "enroll". On the next page, hit “submit” and you will be enrolled. You should now be able to view the Symposium at: https://go.illinois.edu/URS2020