Hello, I am Alissa Tomanek, a junior here at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, majoring in Clinical Psychology. I am also a part of a mental health organization here at UIUC called Active Minds.
Active Minds is a national organization with over 500 chapters across the US. Active Minds UIUC's mission to create a better campus by bettering the students' mental health. Our main goals are to change the conversation about mental health and advocate for the students' mental health needs. We've been able to accomplish these missions by working with the school and the dean of student affairs (Stephen Bryan) to discuss the current climate of mental health on campus. We also have many successful initiatives such as the iCard initiative, whose purpose is to print the Suicide LifeLine on the back of all the students iCards. We have also worked hard on a syllabus requirement that would have all the mental health resources on every student's course syllabi.
Right now, we are working hard to understand what mental health resources are most beneficial to the student body, and if there is a need for some changes to those resources. Right now, I am emailing on behalf of Active Minds UIUC to ask you if you would send out this mental health survey to all the students within your department. We want to have a better understanding of how students feel about the current climate of mental health on campus.
I have linked the URL to this survey below and hope that you will support our mission to better the students', at UIUC, mental health.