If you are interested in diversity and inclusion, dancing for fun, and learning about other cultures, then we hope to have you on Colors of Faith!
Colors of Faith is an interfaith dance team, and we dance to songs of various faiths to foster unity. We have danced to songs of Jewish, Sikh, Christian, and Hindu faiths and hope to expand. This semester, all our practices and socials will be virtual, yet we still plan on creating an engaging experience! Undergraduate and graduate students of all identities are welcome.
Our Virtual Clinics will be on Thursday, September 10 from 9-10pm CST. During clinics, we will teach the tryout piece step-by-step, and you'll have a chance to meet the team. To receive the Zoom link, please fill out our interest form at bit.ly/cofuiuc. The detailed information for both clinics and auditions is available on our Instagram and Facebook pages, as well as in the graphics attached. We hope to see you there!