The Division of Management Information provides the data for the employee and student groups used by the Massmail system. The data is refreshed every morning at roughly 7:30 am, and is sourced from Banner via the Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW), with the exception of the Allied Agencies data which is sourced from Technology Services' LDAP system (full EDW queries are available upon request). If you have any questions or concerns about the employee or student data used by the Massmail system, please send an email to or call (217) 333-3551. The logic used for extracting the student and the employee data follows.
Students are defined here as all Urbana students with an active email address, who are registered for courses in the current term or any future term, excluding full academic year terms such as GIS (Guided Individual Study) terms. Off-campus students (for example, MBA students in Chicago and Warsaw) and online students are included. UIC students enrolled in the Urbana-based programs of Nursing and Medicine are included. Nondegree as well as degree-seeking students are included; however, auditors, visitors, and other non-credit students (such as the students enrolled through the Intensive English Institute, the Tax School, or University Laboratory High School) are not included unless they are concurrently enrolled in a for-credit course on campus.
Students with an "undergrad" level code in Banner (codes 1U or 2U) are assigned to the Undergraduate Students Massmail group; all other students (including professional students in Law, Medicine, and Veterinary Medicine) are assigned to the Graduate Students group.
Employees are defined here as those belonging to HR at Urbana who have an active or email address, who are in active employment status, and who have a current job (the job began before the extract date and ends after). Pre-doctoral fellows, graduate assistants, Extra Help employees, retiree-rehires, persons in the "unpaid" employee group, and employees with only 0% appointments are implicitly included. Persons with only lump sum or one-time payments are explictly excluded, as are those with only student hourly jobs.
The employees are first organized by P-Class codes and E-Class codes as follows:
- Tenure system faculty: P-Class begins with A
- Other academic: P-Class begins with B or P-Class begins with a letter other than A, B, or C and E-Class begins with A (UIC surgeons/nursing), P (postdocs), T (retiree rehire) or V (virtual instructors)
- Academic Professional: P-Class begins with a letter other than A, B, or C, and E-Class begins with B
- Civil Service: P-Class begins with a number or a letter other than A, B, or C, and E-Class begins with C (Web/Dept Time Entry) or D (Payroll Time Entry)
- Extra Help: P-Class begins with a number or a letter other than A, B, or C, and E-Class begins with E
- Unpaid & hourly: P-Class begins with a letter other than A, B, or C, and E-Class starts with H (Academic/Grad Hourly), S (Student), or U (Unpaid)
- Grad assistant/fellow/residents/intern: P-Class begins with C or P-Class begins with a letter other than A, B, or C and E-Class begins with G (Grad assistant/fellow) or R (resident/intern)
(Note: all mentions of E-Class above are job detail E-Class, unless the position is summer only, in which case the person level E-Class is used instead.)
The same employee may exist within multiple groups (Civil Service & Extra Help for instance). If the employee has a faculty job, then we return only that job. If the employee has any job(s) other than an Extra Help or hourly job, then we return only the non-Extra Help or hourly jobs. The only case when we return an Extra Help or hourly job is if that is their only job; if they have both an Extra Help and an hourly job, we return only the hourly job.
Web Services then takes the above groups and fits them into the Massmail groups as follows:
- Academic Professionals/Allied Agencies: Academic Professional, Allied Agencies (data sourced from Tech Services' LDAP)
- Civil Service Staff: Civil Service
- Faculty and Other Academics: Tenure system faculty, other academic
- Unpaid, Hourly, and Extra Help: Extra Help, unpaid, hourly
In addition, employees who are in the Grad assistant/fellow/residents/intern group and are not in any other employee group are part of the Graduate Students group, regardless of registration status.