Global Education and Training provides a gateway to expertise at Illinois and transformative learning experiences for partners from around the world through high-quality training programs.
In 2016-17, scholars, staff, and students from 54 different universities abroad participated in Global Education and Training (GET) education and training programs, workshops, and short courses. During this same period, GET’s undergraduate summer schools attracted 215 international students, and over 200 business leaders earned certificates of completion in its executive education programs. Through its education and training programs, GET has secured over $1.8 million in gross revenue YTD in FY16-17, an increase of over 60% from FY15-16 revenue.
As demand for its programming continues to expand, GET is working on diversifying its offerings to include a wider variety of sectors and geographical regions. For example, in 2017-18, GET will launch a new program that will welcome recent high school graduates from Saudi Arabia for a foundation year of college preparation, in cooperation with the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Gifted Student Program.
In Spring 2017, GET hosted an EducationUSA Leadership Institute on Campus Internationalization: Structures That Support Student Mobility, sponsored by the US State Department and the Institute of International Education. Higher education leaders from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East participated in an intensive two-week residency program on the Illinois campus.