Given the University’s interest in the health, safety, and security of students, faculty, and staff during travel abroad, International Safety and Security provides services for travelers on a 24/7 basis. Support includes: insurance enrollment and assistance; providing travel review and safety and security advice; monitoring global events; and responding to international incidents 24 hours a day.
In 2017-18, International Safety and Security revised its orientation for program leaders this year. The International Safety and Security team trained 108 program leaders regarding University policy, the international insurance, and best practice for handling emergent situations. Additionally, International Safety and Security reviewed 26 short term programs for safety and security concerns, providing focused guidance to program leaders on a range of issues.
International Safety and Security also launched the comprehensive Safety Abroad website ( The website covers topics such as University travel policies, International Insurance registration and use, training and resources for program leaders, safety and wellness tips, and emergency response resources for travelers. The site also features a responsive design and is optimized for low-bandwidth connections.
In 2017-18, International Safety and Security also registered approximately 2,600 students, faculty, and staff for the University-approved international insurance. International insurance is a critical resource for University travelers, facilitating preventative measures before departure and providing health, safety, and security assistance while abroad.