Global Education & Training (GET) provides a gateway to expertise at Illinois and transformative learning experiences for partners from around the world through high-quality training programs.
Growing Partnerships Worldwide
GET also reached across campus to work with administrators and faculty from 11 different colleges and 30+ departments to develop and implement GET’s 17 training programs. GET collaborated with leaders from over 60 distinct entities external to the university, including financial institutions, government agencies, non-profits, and research institutes to meet with and provide expert knowledge to program participants.
In cooperation with the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Gifted Student Program, GET successfully finished Illinois’ first Foundation Year Program for 15 recent high school graduates from Saudi Arabia. Students earned a combined 80 admissions to universities across the United States, and one student from the group will be returning to the University of Illinois to begin his freshman year this fall. Due to the success of the 2017-18 Foundation Year Program, KAUST has committed to sending another cohort of students for the 2018-19 Foundation Year Program.