ACE 335: Food Marketing and Behavior
This course will explore the food choices consumers make and what this means in the food and agribusiness industries. Students will also learn how to conduct basic research related to consumer behavior, including developing a research question, designing high quality surveys/experiments, and analyzing data.
Prerequisites (Must be complete BEFORE taking this course):
Instructor Teaching the Course:
This course is taught by the instructor below. You may click on their name to learn more about them. Teaching schedules vary by semester. Please check the Course Explorer for the most up-to-date information about the sections they will teach.
Brenna Ellison
Past Course Syllabi:
The following syllabi are from past semesters and should be used solely as a guide for the information covered in the course and to observe the general structure of the course. Instructors have the right to change the course for future terms. Please refer to the course syllabus distributed on the first day of class.
View the Course Explorer:
See when the course is offered as well as section details here:
Fall 2018 Restrictions
Additional Course Information
Read more about what Dr. Ellison has to say about ACE 335!
Is this class discussion-based or lecture-based? How would you describe your teaching style?
I would say this class is a mix of lecture and discussion. In this course, we talk about food, which is something each of has experience with as consumers. So, when we discuss topics like food marketing of what factors influence our food choices as consumers, students can readily and easily interact in the class discussion. I would describe my teaching style as very interactive overall. Classes are much more fun when everyone feels like they have something to contribute.
How are students evaluated (e.g. multiple choice or essay tests, papers, etc.)?
In this course, students are primarily evaluated through their consumer behavior research project. This is a group project that has multiple components that students complete over the course of the semester. There are also small assignments and two mini-exams, but exams are a relatively small proportion of a student’s final grade. Attendance and participation are also encouraged and factored into final grades.
What careers does this course help prepare students to pursue?
This course can help prepare students for careers in food marketing, consumer insights, or market research.
What courses can students take to prepare for this material?
While there are no prerequisites for this course, students may be interested in taking ACE 270 – Consumer Economics. For students who enjoy this course, Prof. Ellison is happy to share other courses that may be of interest.
In what ways does this course prepare students to move through the program and/or into the work force?
Students will learn a new survey software, Qualtrics, in the course that is used by businesses in many industries to survey their suppliers, customers, and employees. In addition, students will learn the basics of how to write good survey questions, which are regularly used by businesses to track their progress. While many people believe writing surveys is easy, it can be much more difficult than you think, so this course helps introduce students to good surveying techniques.
What is your background in Agricultural and Consumer Economics?
I received my B.S. in Agribusiness from Abilene Christian University and my M.S. and Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Oklahoma State University. My research focuses on how consumers make food choices, particularly how information like food labels can impact their choices. I design my own experiments to collect data for my research program, so I can bring those insights and experiences into the classroom to share with students.
What is your attendance policy?
I expect students to be in class. Attendance and participation account for ~10% of a student’s final grade, and participation cannot happen without attendance. Of course, there are cases where students may have to miss class, and I will work with them on a case-by-case basis to make up any work that they miss. However, students are expected to provide advance notice of any absence if they expect an opportunity to make up work.