ACE 360: Commodity Price Analysis
Spreadsheet development and modeling skills intended for economics and finance applications. Advanced uses of spreadsheet software, development of user-defined functions, use of Visual Basic and comparable external interface languages, data query designs, and advanced data analyses, summary presentation of data analysis from large data sets are stressed. Intended to serve as a prerequisite for advanced modeling courses in specific disciplinary areas.
Prerequisites (Must be complete BEFORE taking this course):
ACE 100, ACE 161, and ACE 261 or equivalents
Instructor Teaching the Course:
This course is taught by the instructor below. You may click on their name to learn more about them. Teaching schedules vary by semester. Please check the Course Explorer for the most up-to-date information about the sections they will teach.
Todd Doehring
Mr. Doehring is a consultant at Centrec Consulting Group and works with many business in the food and ag sector. He enjoys developing and teaching about spreadsheet models for use in understanding and solving common business challenges. He’s spent nearly 30 years working with spreadsheets to gather, analyze, and report data.
As a consultant, his job often involves working with clients to define and understand business challenges and then formulating solutions. Sometimes these solutions are the development of spreadsheet models to gather and organize data, analysis large volumes of data, develop reports and charts that analysis data, all in an effort to allow decision makers to be more effective.
View the Course Explorer:
See when the course is offered as well as section details here:
Spring 2019 Restrictions
Section B restricted to students in the Agricultural and Consumer Economics Department until Wednesday, November 15 at 10:00 am. Section D restricted to students in the Agricultural and Consumer Economics Department.
Additional Course Information
Read more about what Todd Doehring has to say about ACE 360!
Is this class discussion-based or lecture-based? How would you describe your teaching style?
It’s more “follow-along” on your computer while we build spreadsheet models together. I describe the usage of Excel and spreadsheet processes/procedures being taught and “narrate” as students follow along on their computers.
How are students evaluated (e.g. multiple choice or essay tests, papers, etc.)?
Evaluation is based on a mid-term, a final, three assignments, and attendance/participation. The exam and assignments include the completion of Excel workbook models.
In what ways does this course prepare students to move through the program and/or into the work force?
ACE 360 is based on spreadsheet use and development techniques used in the work force and is a very practical for preparing students for summer internships and jobs where data analysis (or spreadsheet use) is key.
What is your background in Agricultural and Consumer Economics?
I attended the University of Illinois from 1985 to 191 and earned a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics. I began teaching ACE 360 in 2010 and much of my career has been using technology to enhance efficiency, understanding, or analysis. I have taken programming courses, specifically for VBA (the language used to automate Excel).
What is your attendance policy?
10% of the grade is based on attending and participating in ACE 360. Just showing up is not necessarily participating. See the syllabus for more details.